Friday, May 2, 2008

Measure of a Man Starts Production

The big day is fast approaching!! The entire Measure of a Man crew will be heading to California Saturday morning for an entire weekend of filming. Everyone is scrambling about trying to get last minute details ironed out. I can’t even begin to describe how excited everyone is. The excitement is definitely contagious. I can remember the day when Stephanie presented her idea to the group. Her passion for the project was evident then, and has done nothing but grow ever since. God has been a part of the project from day one, and you can still see His hand guiding the Measure of a Man team.

We are currently searching for a head editor, but the scripture that keeps coming to mind is Philippians 2:6. "Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Our God is the God of the universe, and he has not brought this project so far for it to fail for lack of an editor.

Now, for how you can get involved! The entire project needs to be soaked in prayer, and everyone can help with that. The following is a list that contains the areas the team specifically wants prayer for:

  1. Safe travels while going back and forth to California.
  2. Good sleep in the midst of lots of work to do.
  3. Pray that our planned schedule would work out smoothly and efficiently; and for when difficulties arise, that we would look to Him, be creative, proceed with grace, and honor Him in all things.
  4. That we would remain open to what the Lord has to teach us on this trip.
  5. Continued and deepened harmony as a team and love for one another in the Lord.
  6. That we would be a blessing to those we encounter, especially to Nick and his team.
  7. For Nick, that the Lord will fill his heart with whatever He wants him to say; strength and blessing; and that this documentary would be a blessing to his ministry as well.
  8. That all our equipment would clear security with no problems and arrive unharmed and all accounted for. This is a big one!
  9. That we would remain faithful to God's call on our lives to walk holy, and to put forth the message of Truth and hope in this film.
  10. For health--some crew members are getting over being sick.

Always remember Philippians 4:6 - "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

And now, one more thought before we wrap up for now. On behalf of all of DCFM, we are thankful to God for so many things, this is just a short list that we wanted to share with you.
  1. We are thankful for this incredible opportunity as a whole!
  2. The opportunity to serve in His Kingdom.
  3. Filming passes for the airports and a waived fee!! The officials at the airport were so gracious!!
  4. Nearly $9,000 raised so far in answer to prayer! Thanks to and for all those who have supported this project!
  5. That God is in control. That God IS our God of hope Who has reached down in the Person of His Son to give us the Truth that sets us free.

We will be giving many more updates as they pour in, so take a deep breath, and get ready! Also, keep an eye on Stephanie’s blog, because updates will be popping up over there too.

Until next time,

Matthew B.

April Pictures!

As promised, here are some pictures. Enjoy!


Mr. Escobar during his presentation.

You can kind of get a feel for the amount of people that showed up.

John N. working hard to record the audio.

This picture was so cool I had to include it.

Maybe now you understand why it took so long to get set up!

Friday evening:
Watching a movie.

The Morris brothers were able to join us; and believe me, they sure can play the piano!

Until next month,
The DCFM team

Thursday, May 1, 2008

April Meeting Udate

April’s meeting was by far the best meeting this year. So many things are happening here at DCFM that it is hard to keep up! Especially exciting this month was a visit by Mr. George Escobar. If you don’t know who he is, let me introduce you.

Mr. Escobar is the founder of the Advent Film Group, a film studio dedicated to producing Christ-honoring films. In fact, their first feature film, Come What May, will be available very soon! Check out the latest info for this project here.

The entire DCFM group was excited to hear Mr. Escobar’s in-depth presentation on filmmaking. He covered such topics ranging from Biblical foundations to legal matters regarding film production to efficient models concerning distribution. We were all ears as he gave practical advice concerning our upcoming project the Measure of a Man. It was truly an afternoon of unmatched learning, and Mr. Escobar, if you are reading this, "thank you".

Mr. Escobar was gracious enough to let us film his presentation. The DCFM team had a three camera set-up and let me say, it was quite an experience! We definitely learned from this. Live filming compared to on set filming can not be compared. However, the footage turned out nicely; and if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy, they will be available on Mr. Escobar’s site soon.

Let me say right now, that if anyone has been thinking about coming to a meeting, but just hasn’t yet—now is the time! No matter what role in filmmaking you play, or even if you don’t even know if you like filmmaking, we are here for you! The group has dramatically grown since its founding last year, and we love to have people drop by.

We all love pictures, so we will be getting some of those to you very soon.

Until next time,

The DCFM team