Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cancellation Notice

Hey guys, sad news--

Too many of us are sick or have difficult scheduling issues to justify getting together this weekend, so

The February Meeting Has Been Canceled.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but this seemed the best course of action to take. But stay in touch, we'll be posting some more--including more pictures from SAICFF--and look forward to our March meeting! If you didn't know, the members are submitting scripts for our new short! So, Lord willing, we'll have a new project underway soon! :D


Monday, February 16, 2009

'Tis indeed

The third weekend of the month....and you know what that means! :D

Production meeting on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 9am
Countryside Bible Church

Friday evening fellowship dinner, February 20th
Contact Secretary for info

Images from SAICF '09

On the road to SAICFF.....

Uuhhh, careful who you sit next to. They might make scary faces at your camera....

....or not :D

Inspired by great films even while traveling

In the great state of Texas - passing through Austin

Checking in at the hotel

Traveling in "style"

Sage recording history

Elevators are great

They are exiting

Registering for the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival - just the beginning of an amazing weekend!