Thursday, June 19, 2008

On Set Once Again!

During the weekend of June 7th DCFMers came together and began filming for our newest project--our currently untitled "mini" series! And it IS mini with an intended four or five episodes at seven minutes each. We began this project to help us all improve our skills as filmmakers, writers, actors, gaffers, sound techs, producers, craft service organizers, cinematographers, boom pole operators (lol)......creative thinkers, and communicators.

And it's been a while since we've been on set, too! While the Measure of a Man crew has been and will continue to be busy this summer, our other projects are still in pre-production. So working on a short series will hopefully keep our eyes and hands sharp!

Matt (sitting), Hannah W (sitting), Steph, Naylor, Truett Billups, Jake Ladehoff.

You'll look forward to meeting the four-some that make up the main cast for the series, played by our very finest, three of whom you'll remember from The Call of Courage: James F., Matthew Bradley, Evan Ramos and Saphrin S.

Matt as Jeremy and James as Roy.

We'll have special appearances from other actors, including Heidi Michelle who not only stars but doubles as editor! We will be giving you more info down the road about the episodes and stories, and how you can view these upcoming videos!

Roy, Mom and Jeremy. Lovely family (well, part of it anyway). 
And don't you love Heidi Michelle's hair pulled back like that? So cute, and fits the mother role so well!

Evan as Kevin. You'll love his role when you see the movie. He and Jeremy have some great dialogue.

But in the mean time, take a look behind the scenes and join us for the fun, fellowship and learning that took place on the shoot.
(Blog credit: Jaclyn S. Photo Credits: several folks. BTS Coordinator: Evan Ramos.)

On Friday afternoon everyone showed up at my house to start filming in the back yard.

Jake Ladehoff as Cinematographer. 

Things went really, really well! The Lord certainly blessed us! We were able to get things set up and filmed a lot faster than we thought. 

Truett Billups debuted his producer skills and did a wonderful job making sure everything was ready for this shoot! 
John Naylor served as Director.

Being ahead of schedule allowed some nice down time for us to hang out and fellowship while waiting for the sun to go down so we could film the next set of scenes. We had dinner (thank you Susan, Hannah and Melissa! It was always!), played the piano, listened to music, laughed a lot and just enjoyed being together. 

Later that night we went outside to film our night scene,

then came inside again to film a scene in which Heidi Michelle played the mom. She did a great job! It was definitely Oscar-worthy!

Saturday we slept in since we accomplished much more than expected on Friday--so, thanks to our officers, we were able to snooze a little longer after our night shoot. :D Thanks Evan, Naylor and Susan!

Some sort of an attempt at making faces.

There we go! Big smiles!
Officers Evan, Susan (our new Treasurer) and John Naylor.
Big points to them for getting a group picture in the absence of Kayleen who normally puts everyone through the "dreaded" routine.

We filmed a scene in the Garage that we later needed to redo on account of audio difficulties.

Stephanie (and Caleb, who is not pictured anywhere) was boom operator.

We were blessed to have Mr. James Burgess join us over lunch. He helped Stephanie and Saphrin go over things for Measure of a Man.

While we did that, Evan, Heidi and Naylor looked over footage on Heidi's new and very cool computer (Mac, in  case you were wondering :D ). Heidi is editor on this project.

We praise the Lord for such a wonderful weekend! We all had a blast and loved getting to be together!

Thanks for reading!

'Till next time,


John Robert Moore said...

Looks like a blast!

Sorry I missed it... Would have been really great to see you guys in action! So when do we get to see the final product? :-)

~ In Christ, John.

John-Clay said...

Great post! I too wish I could have been there...looks like it was fun :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH! When we will see it? =)

The DCFM Blog said...

Thanks for your enthusiasm everyone! :D A date has not been decided on yet, but we will let you know asap here on the blog, so keep an eye out! :D