Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Meeting

Has DCFM fallen off the face of the earth, never to be heard from again? Absolutely not! We're still here and we're still having meetings! We decided that the group needed a short project that would 1) get everyone back on their feet again, and 2) be a prep project for some hopefully bigger projects down the road.

At this meeting we put our heads together and came up with a story idea, and wrote the rough draft of an 8 page script titled, The Studio. In the weeks following, we refined the script, solidified the cast, and finalized the technical, and edible details.

We began filming on Fri night Oct. 23. Around 2pm we took a 3-4hr break to catch a little shut eye and ended up wrapping up around 3pm Sat. afternoon. It was quite an undertaking but we all survived...and managed to have some fun in the process! Post production took place in the next few weeks.

And then people's schedules got crazy! We ended up post-poning the meeting till Dec. 4-5th.

People's schedules were still crazy, nonetheless a handful of us got together to hold our last meeting of the year. Several of the topics we discussed were making nominations for next year's DCFM officership, how to improve communication through the blog and forums, we had a session on the "why's and how to's of editing," and also the premiere showing of the DCFM short film The Studio.

The Studio will be available for viewing online within the next couple of days, so be sure to check back soon! Also, you can join the new DCFM page on Facebook, and then be sure to check out The Studio page as well.

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