Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August Meeting: Coming Right Up

The meeting is just around the corner-only 3 days! We are really looking forward to this one. For one thing, it's been nearly 4 months since the last official meeting. And we are having James Burgess, cinematographer, for our guest speaker. Mr. Burgess has been in the industry for a number of years, done countless (well, you probably could count them, just not on your fingers) projects, and has gained a lot of practical expertise through his experiences. Just look at his website, and you can see! We'll be watching Pilgrim's Progress, a project Mr. Burgess has worked on recently, then he will talk about his experiences in filming it. Come and share in the valuable training he will give us.

Here is a sampling of his work on Pilgrim's Progress: Journey to Heaven.

Pilgrims Progress Images

Oh, and you can now sign up to get the blog updates emailed to you!

If you are interested in attending, send the secretary an email. If you'd like to be a part of the meeting, but are
unable to be there in person, let us know and we will make arrangements for you to join our online meeting.

'Til next time!



John-Clay said...

FYI: the blog sign up didn't work for me..?

The DCFM Blog said...

Really? Hmm. Which one? The link right up in the corner? I'll have to check on that....

Thanks for the FYI!